Want to get connected, here are some amazing places to plug into or to serve in
Hope Music
contact Debbie Roberts
(530) 822-2893
At Hope Center we believe music is one of the key elements to worshipping God. Our Worship team, Choir, and other Musicians are united under the purpose of lifting God's name up. We offer a wide variety of groups, don't feel intimidated, all ages and all music levels are welcome!
contact Rick Opdyke
(530) 783-2473
At Hope Center we desire to provide a space for men to be encouraged and to spiritually grow. We want to equip men to connect with Jesus and how to lead their families and friends in his word. We provide small group opportunities as well as activities and retreats to help the men of our church bond and fellowship in Christ!
Prayer Ministry
contact Mia Smith
(530) 890-4228
Praying for the church, our Country, and the Nations. With the strong conviction that He hears our prayer, we dedicate ourselves to asking God to move. We ask Him to move in our church, our city, ourselves, our families and much more. We encourage you to come alongside of one of these prayer groups listed below and intercede with them.
Women of Hope
contact Candy Blevins
(530) 763-7824
At Hope Center we provide a perfect avenue for women of all ages to connect and develop their relationship with Christ. We have a weekly bible study to give women a place to connect. Hope Center also provides various activities and retreats throughout the year!
contact Denise Bobo
(530) 727- 1204
At Hope Center we engage with both the parents and kids. We work with parents each week to help disciple their children in everyday life. Each Sunday we engage our kids, infants through 5th grade, with the gospel in a fun and age-appropriate way!
contact David Adams
(530) 372-4721
Every Wednesday youth 7th- 12th grade gather for games and a message from Pastor David Adams. Every summer the youth ministry has the opportunity for summer camp and or missions in the greater California area.
HCC Coffee
contact Sarah Jones
(530) 472-2382
The power of a coffee ministry can be incredible. How can your church make a difference through your coffee ministry? A successful coffee ministry provides a high level of hospitality to guests and church members. Plus, some of the most impactful conversations that people have take place over a cup of coffee.
Hope in Redding
contact Peter Hurst
(530) 423-7932
The purpose of Hope in Redding is to provide spiritual, educational, and social events and activities throughout the community that will promote Godly relationships. To equip individuals to serve one another; first within their families, communities, our nation, and throughout the world.

Got Questions? Call
(530) 222.8525
1465 East Cypress Avenue
P O Box 492546
Redding, California 96049
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